Friday, 31 May 2013

Week 16: What to Expect

Mon. June 3rd:
* Language power practice
* Relax and read: Continue delving into your Literature Circle novel. Be aware of your group's reading schedule
* Complete chosen role sheet for tomorrow's Literature Circle
* Remember, Friday is marks cut-off for all overdue work

Tues. June 4th:
* Group practice provincial reading challenge
* Literature Circle
* Add to your self and peer evaluation record

Wed. June 5th:
* Class work together through provincial exam practice
* Marks cut-off Friday (in class). No exceptions.

Thurs. June 6th:
* Language power practice
* Relax and read: Continue delving into your Literature Circle novel. Be aware of your group's reading schedule
* Complete chosen role sheet for tomorrow's Literature Circle. Remember, Monday is final Literature Circle

Fri. June. 7th:
* Marks cut-off for all overdue work. No Exceptions
* Group reading challenge: Exam prep practice.
* Reading and role sheet day for final Lit Circle Monday.
* Independent book review of your novel introduced. Written in-class Tuesday, June 11th.

Have a Spectacular Weekend!

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Class Field Trip and Author Visit Coming Up!

Tuesday June 11th is coming up. We are getting out in the sunshine, with your friends, and heading to the Central City Library to meet and mingle with Canadian author Kelley Armstrong!

She has a reading prepared, discussion and sharing, and we get to wander the fabulous new facilities so you can pick-up some new reads for yourself.

What you need to do:
1.) Get your permission form signed and turned in ASAP
2.) Notify your period 3/4 teachers and get your school form signed, and return to Ms. Bertrand
3.) Find your go-card and gather $3.50-$5.00 for transportation
4.) Percolate your questions and any new reads you want to explore at the library and check-out

It's going to be a great day gang!

Friday, 24 May 2013

Week 15: What to Expect

Mon. May, 27th:
* Professional Development Day: Students not in school

Tues. May, 28th:
* Reading Round Robin: Choose your Literature Circles novel
* Meet with group, decide reading schedule, lit circle roles, and dive into your new book!

Wed. May, 29th:
* Exam prep practice questions and group competition
* Reading and role sheet day
* Period 1 first Literature Circle

Thurs. May 30th:
* Period 2 first Literature Circle
* Continue your group's reading schedule

Fri. May, 31st:
* Exam prep practice questions and group competition
* 2nd Lit Circle
* Peer and self-assessment of continued literature circles
* Homework: Complete practice writes and see samples/answer keys for your English 12 Provincial

Have a Spectacular Weekend!

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Technology and Us: Final Response

Now that we have explored different information and opinion, including the data of your own life, it's time to revisit your perspective(s) on technology's influence.

1.) What information about technology surprised you the most? Why?

2.) In what ways has technology changed your life? Discuss an area with as much detail and explanation as you can. Example, you could tell us your opinion on how technology impacts intimacy, anxiety, sleep cycles, surveillance, critical thinking, the need to be "famous"/public, etc, etc. Any area you feel technology has significantly impacted you and your world.

3.) In what ways do you think technology is changing our future (work, learning, communication, relationships, etc.)?

4.) Describe your perspective towards technology. Are you more of an optimist or a pessimist? Why? Explain.


  •  Present a thoughtful discussion and argument on the topic: Technology’s influence
  • Select 2-3 distinct areas to comment on (ex: creative thought, privacy, biopower)
  • P.E.E. to explain and support your opinion
  • Edit for grammar, spelling and expression
  • I encourage you to comment on each others' arguments and ideas.

Thursday, 16 May 2013

What the World is Saying About Technology and Our Humanity: Do You Agree?

Hi gang, as we delve into some theories, facts, statistics and experiences based on how technology impacts our daily lives and broader world consider these views: Do you think they're correct? What critiques do you have?

"Is Google Making Us Stupid?" The Atlantic

An Ugly Toll of Technology: The NY Times

"Growing Up Digital: Wired for Distraction": The New York Times

* Sherry Turkle: "Connected, but alone?"

Week 14: What to Expect

Tues. May, 21st:
* Be in Library by 8:25am
* Use all 3 hours. Try out your narrative with the topic. Read each question carefully. Plan each of your written responses. Good Luck to you all!

Wed. May, 22nd:
* Class consider technology's impact on us and the optimist/pessimist spectrum once again.
* Complete Technology and Us Final Response. Consider all shared, discussed and shown. What are your take-ways, your predictions, your outlook at the conclusion of this mini-unit?
* Work on Portfolio
* Key Portfolio reflection due tomorrow
* Technology and Us Final Response Due to class site by tomorrow. 

Thurs. May, 23rd:
* Time on portfolio. Where have you grown? What areas are still progressing? How will you achieve your goals?

Fri. May, 24th:
* Author study of Kelley Armstrong exploration in preparation of our Author meet at City Central Library on Tues. June 11th

Friday, 10 May 2013

Crossgrade and Provincial Exam Preparation

Your Final Exams are coming up and they are your responsibility.

Your Crossgrade Exam is in the library Tues. May, 21st: 8:30am-11:45am

Your Provincial Exam (worth 40%) of your grade is on Thursday, June. 20th in the small gym

It is required that you complete practice reads, writes, and use ALL the resources available to you to be expertly prepared for these important final evaluations.

1.) Complete at least one practice exam (including written) each week
2.) Use the answer keys and samples of excellence and failure
3.) Study your literary and poetic devices. Not just memorize the terms, but be able to identify and  analyze them
4.) Switch practice written pieces with friends and edit, revise. Compare your writing pieces to the samples and answer keys provided
5.) Go back through all of your work, all of the feedback, remedy your personal areas for improvement and bring those improved skills into your final evaluations.

Use the following links for practice and preparation:
* The Ultimate Exam Preparation Site:

* Provincial Exam Writing Samples Minimal to Excellence:

* English 12 Provincial Exam Site:

* Rasul Group: Great Multiple Choice and Written Practice and Help:

* Question Bank: The Biggest Practice Provincial Bank of Questions and Written:

* Poetic and Literary Devices Glossary:

* Provincial Exam Flash Cards:

Week 13: What to Expect

Mon. May, 13th:
* Blackout Poetry! Book Spine Poetry!

* Choose your choice words for sidewalk chalk poetry tomorrow!
* Continue tracking your technology usage and habits for Technology and Humanity mini-unit.
* Individual Technology Log Due Tomorrow

Tues. May, 14th:
* Sidewalk chalk poetry
* Crossgrade pointers and review support
* Your Crossgrade is next Tuesday morning May. 21st, 8:30am-11:30am
* Homework: Finish Tech Log. Complete practices in preparation of your Crossgrade

Wed. May, 15th:
* Technology and Us: Information's transformation, technology's impact on our habits, infobesity
* How has technology affected you? How has it changed our world?
Powerpoint and discussion: Class explores infobesity and how technology is affecting our humanity
* View of Digital Nation's clips

Thurs. May, 16th:
* Class round robin exploring technology's impact on relationships, privacy, 
and intimacy
* Key statistics and information (ex: data-mining, etc.)
* Explore more Digital Nation
Fri. May, 17th:
* "Internet Addiction"
* Powerpoint and class discussion on Our Virtual Futures
* Complete Technology Record and Ideas
* Homework: Continue practices for Crossgrade Tuesday morning

Have a fun-filled, sun-soaked long weekend! See you for Crossgrade Tuesday morning!

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Week 12: What to Expect

Mon. May. 6th:
* Class deconstruct "On Death Without Exaggeration" by Wylsawa Symborska (use these helpful links, including from Nobel Prize)
* Groups dissect death poems
* Present/teach the class tomorrow

Tues. May. 7th:
* Practice poetry quiz: Review and master all poetic devices
* Groups complete death dissection: Teach the class
* "I Feel the Dead" by Sophia de Mello Breyner
* "Wanting to Die" by Anne Sexton
* "Aubade" by Phillip Larkin
* "Midnight Skaters" by Edmund Blunden

Wed. May. 8th:
* Continued death poetry presentations. Which do you agree with?
* Poetic Devices Practice quiz: Terms test tomorrow
* Poetry Synthesis Task introduced
Homework: Study and select poems and begin synthesis outline

Thurs. May. 9th:
* Terms Test
* Complete outline
* In-class synthesis tomorrow

Fri. May. 10th:
* In-class Poetry Synthesis Final Evaluation.