Friday, 8 March 2013

Week 6: What to Expect

Mon. March. 11th:
* Words of the week
* Dialogue rules and practice
* Write your narrative draft
* Check out How to Write Better- 7 Instant Fixes

Tues. March. 12th:
* Complete Draft: Due tomorrow
Wed. March. 13th:
* Peer conference, revise an edit narrative

* Good copy of narrative and writing process due tomorrow
* Week 5 &6 Vocab Quiz Tomorrow
Thurs. March. 14th:
* Week 5 & 6 Vocab Quiz
* Complete and self assess good copy of narrative
* Portfolio
* See you at Parent-Teacher Conferences tonight!

Fri. March. 15th:
* "The Drunkard"

Have an amazing, restorative, adventurous, sun-filled spring break!

Thursday, 7 March 2013

What Writing Is

As you are bleeding, sweating, and wrestling with your mind for the right words, just remember that many have fought this hard-won battle and emerged triumphant. Here is what they had to say about the writing process (and book-love). Who do you think is the most correct? Who said it best?

Friday, 1 March 2013

Week 5: What to Expect

Mon. March. 4th:
* In-class short story synthesis.
* Open book. Use stories of your choice, arguments of your choice. Have your outlines ready!
* Due at end of class

Tues. March. 5th:
* Does where we begin determine where we end up? What role do parents, teachers, peers, money, play in our education and life choices?
* Film Analysis of Good Will Hunting

Wed. March. 6th:
* Class complete Good Will Hunting and film response

Thurs. March. 7th:
* Similes and metaphors through the eyes of a teacher
* Narrative Essentials: Group created recipe.
* Complete Week 5 Vocab: Checked tomorrow

Fri. March. 8th:
* "Show Don't Tell": See the How to Show (Not Tell) support
* Choose your own narrative: Work on outline-Due Monday