Thursday, 31 January 2013

Week 1: What to Expect

Mon. Feb 4th:
* Reading comprehension practice. What do you know? Where are the gaps? Help each other. Compete for victory
* Vocabulary introduced and assigned. First check on Thursday
* Complete portfolio. Finished portfolio due Thursday Feb 7th

Tues. Feb. 5th:
* Do Schools Kill Creativity?

* As a class and as individuals we will explore our school system critically. Share your ideas and opinions. Discuss, debate, publish your ideas

Wed. Feb. 6th:
* P.E.E. formula and music challenge
* What was Henrix talking about? What does his metaphor mean?

This is one of Hendrix' most autobiographical and personal songs. He hated talking about his past, and avoided it during press conferences and interviews.
Hendrix played all of the lead guitar parts backwards, then rewound the recording of the lead guitar parts to the song to get that effect you hear in the beginning and in the middle of the song.

Thurs. Feb. 7th:
* Vocab checked
* Finish and hand in portfolio
* Short Story notes: Create a quiz to stop your friends in their tracks. Help each other with these foundations.

Fri. Feb. 8th: Professional Development Day. Students not in school

Have a spectacular long weekend! See you all Tuesday.

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Remember Your Love of Books

English can be a challenging course and the readings can be complex, but once upon a time there was love in your heart for a good story. So although it may seem far far away, think back to when you were a kid, or perhaps even this summer. What did you enjoy reading? What books have earned your love?

For me it's been too many to name, but Maurice Sendak's Where the Wild Things Are will always be one of my favourites.

What books have you enjoyed? What are your favourites?


I am so excited to meet and work with you! We will be diving into so many opportunities and experiences, through stories, poetry, art, music, debate, creation, and of course challenges worthy of you all.

I look forward to learning and laughing with you as we embark on a wonderful semester together.

Class sites are listed in the top right corner. Use it for weekly agendas, important information, tools, practices, assignment help and enrichment of everything we do in our classes. I know we're going to have a powerful, successful semester, so lets get started!

Thursday, 24 January 2013


I can't believe our time together in English 12 is at an end. I have loved and learned every minute working with you all. Your humour, creativity, insight and kindness has made each day a joy. Thank you for all of your hard work.

I wish each and every one of you fulfillment and wild peculiar joy as you set out on your next journey, your next bright, bright horizon.

p.s. remember back to your own Kindergarten years; see how far you've come!

Friday, 11 January 2013

Week 16: What to Expect

Monday, Jan. 14th:
* Reading comprehension practice
* Practice with Original Composition portion of provincial exam
* Use your own personal narrative from September. Get it ready for use
* Class read synthesis texts: complete multiple choice and plan own response.

Tuesday, Jan. 15th:
* Synthesis samples, class-created model
* Revise one of your own synthesis
* Crossgrade tomorrow. Be in library by 8:20 am with pen and pencil

Wednesday, Jan. 16th:
* Crossgrade

Thursday, Jan. 17th:
* Portfolio Preparation Class: Gala Tuesday Jan. 22nd

Friday, Jan. 18th:
* Crossgrades returned and examined as class
* Organize Portfolio Gala as a class
* Continue prepping portfolio for gala and final submission Tuesday Jan. 22nd

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Literature Circles Book Review

Now that you have all read, discussed, laughed (and cried?) over your chosen Lit Circle novel, let us know what you think:
* Introduce the work: Title and author
* Summarize the novel (events and key issues)
* Describe who should read this novel and why
* Include a key passage and a visual

Crossgrade and Provincial Exam Preparation

Your Final Exams are coming up and they are your responsibility.

Your Crossgrade Exam is in the library Wed. Jan16th: 8:30am-11:45am

Your Provincial Exam (worth 40%) of your grade is on Monday. Jan 28th in the small gym

It is required that you complete practice reads, writes, and use ALL the resources available to you to be expertly prepared for these important final evaluations.

1.) Complete at least one practice exam (including written) each week
2.) Use the answer keys and samples of excellence and failure
3.) Study your literary and poetic devices. Not just memorize the terms, but be able to identify and  analyze them
4.) Switch practice written pieces with friends and edit, revise. Compare your writing pieces to the samples and answer keys provided
5.) Go back through all of your work, all of the feedback, remedy your personal areas for improvement and bring those improved skills into your final evaluations.

Use the following links for practice and preparation:
* The Ultimate Exam Preparation Site:

* Provincial Exam Writing Samples Minimal to Excellence:

* English 12 Provincial Exam Site:

* Rasul Group: Great Multiple Choice and Written Practice and Help:

* Question Bank: The Biggest Practice Provincial Bank of Questions and Written:

* Poetic and Literary Devices Glossary:

* Provincial Exam Flash Cards:

Week 15: What to Expect

Mon. Jan. 7th
* Welcome Back! I hope your winter break was restful and rejuvenating!
* In-class final reading day
* Final Literature Circle with your group

Tues. Jan 8th:
* Class in C127
* Group posts book discussion to class blog and prepares for Class-wide share on Thursday Jan. 10th

Wed. Jan. 9th:
* Class in C127
* Complete your independent book review: Due tomorrow

Thurs. Jan. 10th:
* Groups present books and share
* Crossgrade/Provincial Exam Layout discussed. Begin Independent Study!
* Hand in Book Review

Fri. Jan 10th:
* Crossgrade Preparation
* Stand Alone Practice read, questions and response
* Samples of excellence and failure
* Crossgrade is Wednesday Morning 8:30am in the library. Be on time. Be prepared